Kelcy’s Goals

I hope more than anything that anyone who reads this blog will get one of the following things out of it:

1. They will hear my story, any part of it, and realize they are not alone. They are not “crazy” or “weird”. Their feelings are valid and there are other people in the world going through similar things or have gone through similar things and came out the other side. If they are feeling hopeless, exhausted, or discouraged then maybe they will see that even on those days when you don’t think you can keep going, you can! If you keep holding on and fighting you can dig your way out, even if the path to get there is hard as hell to travel down.

2. A family member, friend, or partner of someone going through or having gone through these experiences might see a perspective they have not seen or have not been willing to see before because they are clouded by their personal feelings of. Perhaps reading this will help lift some of the anger or frustration they may be feeling and acknowledge there might be more going on or affecting their loved one’s choices than they are seeing on the surface.

3. My willingness to openly and honestly discuss these topics will get people talking!! Maybe others can find the courage to talk about their experiences or let go of the shame they might be feeling. One by one if we all start talking about these things my dream is that someday we can break the stigma, bias, and judgement surrounding these issues and find a way to create a more kind, open-minded world where each person can become whoever they want and take each new day as an opportunity to change and become the best version of themself.